September 18, 2024

Patent Technology Landscapes

2 min read

Patent Technology Landscapes would be the high-level visualization of huge group of patent dataset specific to particular technology. It offers over view of the several technological segments inside the dataset and it is very helpful for that decision makers. These map further breaks into more specific detailed technological segments to visualise we’ve got the technology co-relation, technology diversification as well as other technology trends. Mining of the large dataset for particular technological detail is really a laborious process. Presently various vendors for example Aureka from MicroPat provides automated generation of patent landscape maps for big datasets. The foundation for the generation of those maps may be the keyword frequency. Thus these maps require human intelligence to help refine it.

A patent landscape contains many other 2-D and three-D technology graph to represent the different emerging, high-growth, mid-growth and occasional-growth areas inside a particular technology, or across technology. It’s useful in extrapolating the concentration and trends of invention with large technology segments. Further, additionally, it includes graphical representation from the Patent technology S-curve to exhibit the interest rate of invention and patenting activity, in a variety of technology segments.

A patent landscape works well for:

Categorization of huge dataset into various technological segments.

Categorization company’s large patent portfolio

Identification from the possible competitors inside a technology domain

Visualizing trends inside a technology landscape with time

Evaluating the portfolios of competitors companies

Identification of possible collaboration and acquisition and merger possibilities

Identification of possible research possibilities

To conclude a patent technology landscape is a kind of Technology Competitive Intelligence (TCI) report, featuring its visual representation from the analytic analysis of huge patent dataset information inside a particular technology domain. These reports typically organize and highlight patent filings trends, patent count based on country, top patenting organization along with other details. These reports assist in identification of technology gaps and white-colored spaces.